
Saturday, March 23, 2013

New York, New York

About a week ago, sister, best friend, best friend’s friend and I boarded the 5:15 a.m. train to New York City.  In my opinion, going to NYC for any reason is a treat, but our particular mission that day was primarily to see the LIVE with Kelly & Michael show.

After a harrowing (seriously, I think the cab driver skimmed a few other vehicles!) taxi cab ride from Penn Station to the studio located at 67th and Columbus Avenues and a 45 minute wait out in the freezing cold, we finally filed into the studio lobby.  After another short wait in the lobby, during which we were encouraged to purchase Kelly & Michael swag (I purchased a football-type shirt with the number “1” on the back representing the duos first season) we were seated.  Since we had tickets and were fairly close to the front of the line, we were able to sit almost directly in front of the hosts, about three rows from the set.
Kelly is absolutely adorable, very sociable and funny.  Michael is as charming as the day is long – and let’s not forget handsome and as fit as a fiddle – and took the time to talk with and pose for photos with other guests. 

If you never been to a live show, I will tell you this…it’s a lot of work.  I was exhausted by the time we left the studio.  There are cues – courtesy of Gelman who is a hoot – to clap and clap harder and faster.  Cues to oooooh and aaaaah, cues to laugh and cues to stop.  Not that we wouldn’t have done those things anyway but, for the love of God, I took the day OFF from work!  On the day we visited Josh Henderson, who plays John Ross Ewing on the new Dallas series, was the guest and Kelly and Michael were reviewing some cereal that was supposed to improve your love life, so you can imagine the frenzy that followed!

After taping, we took a cab to the Honora Pearl Shop, located at 30 East 57th Street where we browsed the absolutely gorgeous selection of pearl necklaces, bracelets and earrings displayed. 

Best friend and I bought a strand of navy blue pearls however UPS won’t deliver my little jewels without an adult signature.  Since Stella doesn’t count as an adult and the only other adults in the house are otherwise occupied during the day, I have to figure out how to secure my booty! You can check out the Honora selection here.

Next, it was lunch at Becco, located in NYC’s famous Restaurant Row.  The restaurant is owned and operated by Lidia Bastianich and her son, Joe.  The Executive Chef, William Gallagher, learned how to cook in his grandmother’s kitchen…I knew there was a reason the dishes were so tasty!  The name Becco is a derivative of the Italian verb, “beccare” meaning to peck or nibble.... and peck and nibble we did!
Everyday, the restaurant offers a different three-pasta special (you get all three!) and on the day we visited the pasta selections were Penne with a Veal Bolognese, Mushroom Ravioli with a Sage Truffle Butter Sauce, and Pappardelle with a Tomato Basil Sauce.  I eat a lot of wonderful meals, both home cooked and in restaurants, and I have go to say that this pasta trio was so incredibly delicious and we could not stop eating it….PLUS, the restaurant offers pasta refills…can you imagine!!!??? 

As if the pasta was not enough, we each ordered an entrée.  My three travel companions ordered the Tagliata di Manzo, grilled beef tenderloin served over arugula and topped with freshly shaved Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and olive oil. 
I ordered the Pollo al Limone, sautéed chicken breast with lemon, Cerignola olives, capers and sautéed greens. 

It was all exceptional.

By the time we finished lunch, we were stuffed BUT, did that stop us from ordering dessert?  Of course not! We ordered the dessert sampler that consisted of Italian Cheesecake with Strawberry Sauce, Chocolate Mousse Cake with Cherries and Chocolate Sauce, Panna Cotta, and Italian Bread Pudding.  So. Damn. Good.

We finally rolled out of the restaurant around 3:00 and it was time to head back to the train station for our train ride home.  It was an absolutely wonderful day!   

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