
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Here we go Loopdy-Loop

A couple of Sundays ago, Foodie and I took a road trip to “loop” a yarn store on South Street in Philadelphia. While there, Foodie sought guidance on a particular stitch pattern perplexing her and I moseyed about the store ogling the beautiful yarn selection. As I was browsing, I came across a table of yarns by “Be Sweet.”

The yarns are new to me and quite beautiful so a quick search on Google informed me that the company’s mission is “to bring socially and environmentally friendly products to fashionable consumers that evoke an individual style and help support community development around the world. Our products embody the ideals of beauty, creativity and resourcefulness. As well, Be Sweet gives back by donating a portion of its profits to educational development programs in South Africa.”

The ”Be Sweet” yarns are fashionable indeed. I bought an interesting yarn – “Magic” – in a color called “Shifting Sands.” It is called magic because the “divine arrangement of hand dyed boucle and brushed mohair yarns tied with knobby, ribbon, and metallic goodies” create the most charming effect when knitted up…like magic! There was a scarf in the store and when I inquired about the pattern, the very friendly sales person told me that the pattern was printed right on the yarn wrapper..even that is pretty and touts that the yarn is hand-spun and dyed and reflects the spinner's individuality.

This yarn is very luxurious and knitted up beautifully but some of the strands are a little wispy and hard to work with. I presevered and my prize is this gorgeous little cravat!

Foodie and I also bought yarn to make a shawl the store had displayed and we will post an update when one of us -- okay...let's be realistic -- when Foodie finishes first! I always have good intentions!

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