
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Julia Would Be Proud!

If you have not seen the movie Julie and Julia please do yourself a favor and watch it (perhaps on one of these lazy, snowy days we’ve been having). It’s the delightful saga of Julie Powell’s 365-day, 564 recipe journey through Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook. Meryl Streep – who was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance – transports us right back to the 60’s with her spot-on performance of Julia Child that Rolling Stone reviewer Peter Travers described as “Streep at her brilliant, beguiling best…” and Amy Adams is charming and genuine as Ms. Powell.

Our Tuesday dinners resumed last night (hooray!) and it was Foodie’s turn to cook. She made Boeuf Bourguignon from Julia Child’s cookbook. This recipe blends beef, onions, carrots, bacon, spices and a whole bottle of good red wine into the most delectable stew that you will instinctively and immediately want to devour but will force yourself to eat slowly to appreciate the absolute goodness and complexity of the dish! I posted the recipe on the "Recipes" page.

As the recipe suggests on page 315 of my food-stained copy of the book…this dish can be “prepared completely ahead, even a day in advance, and it only gains in flavor when reheated.” Foodie made this over the weekend (it takes a good five hours to prepare properly) and served it over noodles….pure heaven. We also had a fig, goat cheese and spring green salad in the lovely traveling salad bowl and just a few pieces of dark chocolate for dessert.

It was snowing when we left Foodie’s house feeling utterly satisfied…I could not help but to take a picture of the sister Mini Coopers. Enjoy the snow….be safe!


  1. I just saw that movie and I truly enjoyed it. My sister Michele has a completely battered copy of the book, without a cover, held together with rubber bands. I've been trying to find her another copy on the internet but no such luck.

    The Boeuf Bourguignon sounds delicious!

  2. Hi Empress...I found an old copy on ebay! Good luck...what a nice sister you are!

  3. Hey! Loving the new logo. It is totally unique!
