
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our First Post!

This blog is the (evolving) story of three (long time) friends. One day, these friends decided that we would get together to cook (and drink) and knit (not necessarily in that order) each Tuesday evening…so every Tuesday (without disruption), one of us hosts this little soiree. The meals are always very interesting and tasty (they always involve wine) and the knitting…well let’s just say that one of us has a lot of hats. Considering the aforementioned wine, we are always surprised that there is any purling progress!

It occurred to us that we should keep a journal of our cooking and casting-on adventures to share with other curious, counting (k1, p2) and culinary minds (and also to jog our failing memories…more on that later), so here goes…

Last night, we had Moroccan chicken with wheat Couscous, fig salad, homemade bread, chocolate (to-die-for) mousse and, of course, the aforementioned wine. See the above picture of the chicken that was prepared in the crock pot…very tasty and we will happily share the recipe.

You would think, considering the menu and the aforementioned wine, that these three friends would closely resemble the Three Little Pigs, but not so. We three are as fit as a fiddle for a group who one day (to our collective dismay) made it to the AARP mailing list (we like the discounts).

One in our group, the one with many hats, is the most accomplished knitter of the trio and she reads our patterns and teaches us what the text-message-like lingo means. S1St is not a virus or erotic suggestion and who knew that c2bk2, c2fk2 is actually quite easy.

One evening the one with the many hats whips out this absolutely adorable hat into which she cabled “owls” (the pattern is available on The least accomplished and timid knitter of the three LOVES the hat but is intimidated by the cabling required to create the hooting friend…not a problem for our most accomplished knitter who easily customizes the pattern to include only one (manageable) owl. A picture of the hat-in-progress.

We will update our blog every Wednesday (being that Wednesday usually follows Tuesday which is when we cook and knit), or following special gatherings such as when Bachelorette #1 (the reason she is Bachelorette #1 is not because she is the #1 bachelorette, but because she is the only bachelorette) hosts her annual Ornament Exchange which involves a lot of food and the aforementioned wine, but no knitting, although some guests do wear pearls…or when the youngest of our little group (who is also half of a very talented duo of architects) hosts a political event at her lovely home.

We hope you will enjoy and follow this whimsical and (loosely) informative (and sometimes touching) journey with three dear friends who just happen to like to cook, cast-on, cackle, and converse (ok, sometimes we whine (not to be confused with the wine we drink), but we always laugh and have a good time.

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